Friday, June 27, 2008

Karl Lagerfeld against roadkill

Karl Lagerfeld dons a reflective yellow vest for a new French road safety campaign, declaring, "It's yellow, it's ugly, it doesn't match anything, but it can save your life."
All over france, we looove it!!! ;)


We had a sample sale last night
If you want some of the items that we have left, please see attached pics and contact us on

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

We love heels..

..In all shapes and forms!
especially this seasons marc jacobs ones which are in the wrong direction, but completely right!
This is our favourite phone in the world! brings back sweet memories from our 80's childhood!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


One of our friends just sent us a wednesday gift called 'Little ugly fat dog'
He is super cute, we looove him!!

If we needed braces..

They would look like this..

Rremember those kids in school who always put their removable braces in their waterglass during lunchtime,
we never got to have those, nor the more permanent ones as we got older..

it has not bothered us before

But now you can get ones with pictures and letters that spells your name, better than all kind of body art, and with a lot less pain,
Braces for jojo&malou!!!


Monday, June 2, 2008

Yves Saint Laurent

Yves Saint Laurent, one the most amazing fashion designers of the 20th century, died on Sunday evening in Paris. It is a very sad day. xxx